Terms Of Service

Use of Search Console Data

We understand how vital your keyword and position data is to your business, and appreciate the gravity of trusting us with your business critical data.

We would never use your data for commercial purposes other than the features we offer you personally through our website. Among others, we specifically commit to not:

  • Offering a free or paid keyword tool, or other competitive research tools that make use of your data. (Note that we do already operate keyword tools using external data sources and APIs.)
  • Passing your search console data to a 3rd party without your express consent (for ex. in the case of an API integration you had specifically authorised)
  • Using keyword data from your account to build competing content or ad campaigns whether for ourselves or other parties

While we reserve the right to use aggregate data on successful tests for marketing purposes (for example "Our customers have found that using a shorter title tag could result in a xx % lift in clickthrough rates"), any specific data would remain confidential unless we had prior consent from the customer.

We will collect general usage data of our tool via website analytics and our email service provider for the purpose of improving and marketing our product, and to ensure you get the assistance you need in working with our tool. However we will never share confidential information such as specific URLs, keywords or other data downloaded from Search Console with those third party services

Finally we consider the data downloaded from Google to be your property, and you have the right to request deletion at any time.

Personal data / GDPR

To run our website we collect certain personal data, such as :

  • Your IP address
  • The site you arrived from
  • Your email address, name and billing information

In accordance with EU law we hold this data in the strictest of security, and are cautious to only share it with our partners when necessary. We will never sell your data, but may use it to keep you informed of product developments.

We do share some data with partners. These currently include Twitter, Google, Facebook and Convertfox, who we use to manage our marketing efforts.

If you wish to request a download of your data or full deletion please contact us through the normal support channels.

Postal address

SEOScout / Abrankings.com is a trading name of Nomadic Media Ltd (reg : 08235155), BBIC, Innovation Way, Barnsley, South Yorkshire